In the News: half full Founder Spotlit for 20th Business Anniversary

We’re so honored to have recently been profiled by the Providence Business News as part of their Business Women spotlight series! 

In celebration of our 20th business anniversary (learn more here), Founder/President Rebecca Twitchell sat down with the publication to:

  • Dive into the two decades of growth, impact, and expansion of half full, llc

  • Share her WHY for crafting the half full “not your average facilitation” approach of leading with vulnerability 

  • Illuminate top workplace challenges and opportunities facing organizations today 

  • Pull back the curtain on how half full creates safe space for teams to reach breakthrough moments together

“We’ve always been a ‘people before professionals’ company, helping individuals understand their unique strengths so they can move forward,” Twitchell shared in the profile.

Dive into the full interview by clicking here

Rebecca Twitchell