Taking a Left with Rebecca - Chapter 9
why there is an “i” in “team”
When I was younger, being on a team was a challenge for me. Aside from not feeling confident in my contributions because I was young and learning, I never wanted to speak up in front of people because I didn’t want anyone to look at me. I was always afraid people would either see my hand or wonder why I was hiding it. This went on for many, many years.
I eventually got better at hiding my hand, so I started to feel a little more confident to “use my words” at meetings and contribute to the conversation. But it wasn’t until I gave a presentation to a group of 40+ sales managers that I realized that I might actually be missing an opportunity to utilize a strength, public speaking. You may recall the “hang seven” story I wrote about several months ago. Check it out here!
Once I started using my words, I just couldn’t stop! Opening up is the best thing I ever did.
I managed the marketing and communications for a company at the time and supported the sales team with their marketing needs. I got to know them very well. We were like a family. While I was preparing my marketing presentation for the sales team the day before, I had a moment. A moment of clarity. I decided that instead of feeling very anxious about presenting in front of them, I was going to lead with vulnerability. After years of hiding, I was going to tell the team about my hand. I was going to open up about the biggest challenge in my life – a challenge that they never knew about.
put yourself in someone else’s shoes
I wanted to share my story with them for a variety of reasons. I wanted to demonstrate my desire to open up and become a stronger member of the team. Admittedly, I also wanted to get my insecurities out in the open so I could stand in front of them and present with confidence. But most of all, I wanted to remind the team that every single individual has something going on in their lives. We all have challenges. There is no way of knowing how your colleague sitting next to you is feeling. There is no way of knowing what someone has had to go through in life or challenges they are currently experiencing. “Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes” is an expression we use to encourage people to listen, but we will never really know.
As I grew older, and experienced and observed more people making assumptions and judging others, my message started to get louder. You can never know what someone else has gone through or how they are feeling. Many of us are quick to make assumptions without having the facts. If we listen and ask questions of others, we can start down a path of understanding and empathy.
Each one of us has our own unique story that makes up the whole book.
“i” make up part of a team
So why do I always say there is an “I” in “Team?” Because a team is made up of several individuals with their own challenges. And each individual is unique. Each individual brings different strengths to a team. Teams are balanced by having a variety of strengths to utilize to move a project or vision forward. We should be celebrating what makes each one of us unique. Too often we compare ourselves to others and walk away feeling like we are not enough. Instead, each one of us should embrace what makes us unique, and we should celebrate what those strengths are.
be intentional with your reentry as you think about the “i’s” on your team
As we reenter our workplaces and meet as full teams in-person again, now, more than ever, we need to understand that every single individual has been through something unique. Some individuals may be anxious to be around others after being isolated for so long. Some may worry about health and safety. Some may have lost relatives or friends to the virus. We may need to reintroduce ourselves and our strengths to our teammates. We may need some time to get to know each other again.
We owe it to ourselves to be intentional about our in-person workplace reentry. Consider every individual on the team. Have a plan. Ask questions. Listen. Talk about what has worked and what hasn’t worked over the last several months as it pertains to being a team.
Outdoor team building activities are a great way to reintroduce your team in a safe and fun environment!
Find out how to “be” with each other again as a team made up of awesome individuals.
My advice is to consider making your first official day back in the office into an outdoor team building day. It’s a perfect way to get your team back together in a casual and fun, no-pressure environment. Being outside as your first meet up can eliminate feelings of anxiety and stress from the team and can allow for a softer reentry built on a stronger foundation.
Getting outside for your team building activity gives you the space and freedom to let your team’s individuality shine through.
For example, we recently facilitated visioning workshops on the beach on Prudence Island with a team of ten. It was a full day with a team that had not been together in person since the pandemic. We started the sessions on the ferry, discussed challenges they had each experienced over the last several months and the opportunities that lie ahead for them personally, professionally and as an organization. The team had some pretty cool moments together, rediscovering their why.
And in a few weeks, we have the opportunity to facilitate a half day team building experience with a group of 50 who will be returning back to the office at the end of June. We started with two virtual sessions over the last two months - who we are and why we are - to tee them up for actually getting together in person. I wish I could share what we are doing for their outdoor experience, but then I would be ruining the surprise!
Give yourselves permission to rediscover who you are and why you are - and celebrate each other! We are STILL (and will always be) in this together!
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